Student Life Topics


If your son will be absent or tardy, 请在Orah中输入相应的“预约/病假-病假回家”通行证.  If you are unable to access your Orah account, please email, contact Kim Murphy at and/or Drew Hyche at, or call (828) 684-6232 ext. 100/181. 如果你的儿子是寄宿生,他生病了,他应该到健康中心登记.

What is the AOD?

AOD stands for Administrator on Duty. 这个职位由少数管理人员轮流担任,他们是学校在办公时间以外的主要联系人. The AOD can always be reached at 828-242-8114. Students should call the AOD any time they leave campus.


Prior to any break or weekend off campus, 学生必须使用Orah完成休假申请流程. To find out more about the Orah system, 请参阅此电邮,如有任何问题,可向学生生活办公室(


学生活动办公室为学生计划了一系列的活动和旅行,从音乐会到电影. View what's available each week at this link.

What is the school dress code?

学校的着装要求根据一周中的不同日子而有所不同 details are found at this web page.

Is there laundry service on campus?

宿舍配有洗衣机和烘干机供学生使用. 大学干洗店提供额外的干洗和洗衣服务. 学生应前往学生生活办公室设立校干洗店帐户.

How do I set up an allowance for my son?

Contact Kim Murphy ( to set up an allowance for your son.

我儿子现在开车了,我们想让他把车留在学校里. What do we do?

Contact Drew Hyche ( to arrange a parking space for your son’s vehicle. 学生生活办公室负责管理和协调所有学生的车辆.


学校为我们预定的休息时间提供往返东南部许多地点的班车.  我们还收费提供到GSP和CLT机场的交通服务. Shuttles to Asheville Airport (AVL) are free. 你可以 find shuttle information at this link 或者在你的OnCampus账户的“班车预订”下的资源板上查询.”  To reserve a spot on a shuttle, 请在奥拉通行证上填写你的班车目的地,并抄送给你儿子. If you’re reserving an airport shuttle, 请在Orah中附上一份航班行程表或将行程表发邮件至 If you have any questions, please email Kim Murphy (

Where can I see the dining hall menu options?

你可以在手机上下载Touch of Sage应用程序来查看用餐菜单. 登入或注册一个新帐户,并选择亚洲城YZC88(邮政编码28704)作为你的位置. iPhone users can download the app here and Android users can follow this link.

Where can my son refresh his toiletries and other items?

男孩们可以从学校书店购买洗漱用品和其他物品. 另一个选择是让孩子们周末去塔吉特和沃尔玛, 几乎每个周末都有学生活动.

Parent Information Topics

Who do I contact with a question not answered on this page?

一般问题,您可以拨打学校总线- 828-684-6232 -或发送电子邮件给Kim Murphy ( With specific questions, please reference this “Who to Contact” page that provides contact details based on departments and topics. The general faculty and staff directory is found here.


每位现任家长都会收到每周家长电子邮件通讯. If you aren’t receiving it, 检查您的电子邮件浏览器中的垃圾邮件或促销文件夹,以确保时事通讯没有被过滤器放错位置. If you find the email in either of those folders, right click and send the email to your primary inbox. If you don’t find the email in those folders, please email 或致电828-684-6232分机的通讯主任格雷林·卢米斯. 101.

我如何在亚洲城YZC88的活动中认识其他家长和/或志愿者 ?

家长委员会是一个团体,支持和提供资源,目前亚洲城YZC88的家长. 家长委员会还自愿参加各种学校活动, ensuring a great experience for students. 你可以 email the Parent Council ( or find out more about the group at this link.

有关志愿服务机会的信息(包括报名表格), visit this page.

How do I log in to OnCampus, and what is OnCampus used for?

你可以 log into OnCampus using this link. OnCampus allows students to plan their schedule, keep track of grades, and keep an eye on the school calendar. 这个基于网络的系统还允许父母在家跟踪儿子的学习进度,并让他们快速联系到老师和顾问. 如果这是你第一次登录OnCampus,或者你忘记了密码, follow this link.


Please check the online school calendar (available here) or the parent calendar available in OnCampus. 这两个资源互为镜像,并显示整个学年的所有关键事件. 一般, parents should attend Registration Weekend, Father/Mother-Son Weekend, 首页coming and Family Weekend, the Christ School Auction (a biennial event), and Graduation.

Where should I stay when visiting Christ School and Asheville?

Check this web page 我们会列出阿什维尔和学校附近的推荐酒店. Depending on the time of year, Asheville can be very busy, 所以我们建议在这些季节(尤其是9月和10月)提前预订。.

What college guidance resources are available for parents?

In addition to the office’s College Guidance Handbook where you will find answers to most of your questions, 大学指导办公室随时可以提供建议或问题(如果你对大学指导有疑问), reach out to Kirk Blackard, 导演( or Tracy Weldon, Associate Director ( 每位家长和学生都是OnCampus大学指导小组的成员, which includes additional resources.

Where can I give to Christ School?

你可以 give to Christ School online or by contacting the Advancement Department directly ( or 828-684-6232 ext. 103).

How can I purchase items from the school store?

你可以亲自在书店下订单(书店位于帕特里克·比弗学生中心), over the phone (828-684-6232 ext. 133), or in the online store. 书店提供一切从学校用品到亚洲城YZC88的服装,纪念品,和更多. (请注意,在线书店提供的选择有限,只能从实体店买到.)

How do I change my mailing address or email address?

您可以在OnCampus的帐户设置中更改您的邮寄和电子邮件地址, or you can contact Kim Murphy ( directly.

How can I pay tuition and my accounts at the school?

有关任何帐户或与学费有关的付款或问题,请与Lane Shelton ( in the Business Office. (Note that credit card payments aren't accepted for tuition.)


The Parent Council has many different ways to volunteer, come to campus, or help from afar throughout the year. 作为家长或监护人,您自动成为理事会成员. They meet annually at Family Weekend in the fall. 访问 their webpage to find out more about the ways you can get connected!